Thursday, February 14, 2013

Martial arts and Security Specialists offer school faculty training session on how to survive school or workplace attacks

Martial arts and Security Specialists offer school faculty training session
By USA Martial Arts Staff

Some Valley teachers and citizens will get some life saving training and have an extra layer of protection should they come up against a dangerous intruder in their schools or the workplace.
USA Martial Arts in cooperation with Nottingham Sword & Shield Security in Phoenix will host a unique training session for school faculty and concerned citizens. It will help them have options when dealing with critical situations, like an armed intruder or active shooter in schools.
They will learn techniques of derailing attacks, which will teach them effective and simple security techniques they can use if they ever have a school or workplace attack.
"The training gives people options rather than simply being a victim waiting to die or hoping to be rescued in time.'" said John Nottingham with USA Martial Arts. "Once they've been through at least one class, they leave with the skills knowing they can do things that direct impact their survival or that of those around them."
The one time, one day course is limited to the first 20 who sign up. Call USA Martial Arts studio to sign up: (602) 896-8721.

More info or sign up here

Friday, February 8, 2013

ABC's of Bullying Prevention Free Workshop in Phoenix

Addressing Bullying in our Community

A free ABC's of Bullying Prevention workshop was held in Phoenix on Wednesday February 6, 2013.  Teachers, principals, parents and children were invited to learn how to address bullying in our Phoenix community.  From school, playground, and workplace, practical tools were shared on how to de-escalate bullying with proven skills like using humor.

The event was hosted by USA Martial Arts and fully sponsored by Nottingham Sword & Shield Security Bodyguards.  It was taught by threat assessment specialist and bodyguard trainer John Nottingham who is also the owner of USA Martial Arts.  Nottingham chose to conduct the event to celebrate his birthday and 28th year of teaching bullying prevention strategies free to the community.

Techniques taught included:

  • How to make friends of enemies
  • How to use humor to deflect and deter bullying behavior
  • How to demonstrate good body language to not be selected for bullying
  • How to intervene and be a help to others being bullied
  • Peaceful options for escape from physical bullying that deter more bully behavior

Nottingham also shared his views and research on why so called anti-bullying programs continue to fail and may even lead to increased reports of bullying incidents in schools and among children.  Nottingham is the author of the book How To Handle Bullying Like a Bodyguard in which he teaches a five step process of managing aggressive and inappropriate behaviors with effective boundary setting and problem solving.

John Nottingham is the founder of The Arizona Bullying Prevention Initiative Phoenix BullyProof Project that has a Facebook resource page and online blog with free resources for parents, teachers and practical tips for children.  John Nottingham's BullyProof Vest Program teaches a 5 Step Process for bullying prevention that has proven successful for decades.

For more information about John Nottingham's programs, public speaking or self defense/security training programs contact or call 602-896-8721.

Friday, February 1, 2013

ABC's of Bullying Prevention Free Workshop in Phoenix

ABCs of Bullying Prevention Workshop

On Wednesday, February 6th Nottingham Sword & Shield Security and USA Martial Arts is fully sponsoring a workshop all about bullying prevention. The ABCs of Bullying Prevention workshop is designed for children, teachers and parents who live with, care about, and work with young people and are interested in creating environments that foster healthy social and emotional development— and it's FREE!

o Effective Boundary Setting
o Verbal Judo Comeback Lines
o Anger Management
o Telling vs Tattling
o Interventions and more

Featuring BULLYPROOF VEST, a bodyguard and Bullying Specialist's perspective on the prevalence and types of bullying behaviors affecting our community, and how these perspectives connect with recent research, explore key strategies for addressing these complex issues at the personal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural levels, and learn about programs and resources that can be used in community settings.

Workshop presenters and safety specialist John Nottingham is endorsed by the Bullying Prevention Initiative International and is founder of the Phoenix BullyProof Project. For more information about this initiative, contact or (602) 896-8721.