Friday, February 18, 2011

Taekwondo Philosophy and History of the Tenets & Korean Martial Arts

What Are The Origins of The Philosophy and Tenets of Taekwondo/ Tang Soo Do and the Korean Martial Arts

Here is a helpful resource online with lots of great information on Taekwondo and it's various branches, associations and background.

HwaRang code of honor

Because of the military background, there is a general code. These codes are reflected in the so-called 'Commandments of modern Taekwondo' and is strongly influenced by the Buddhism. These commandments are influenced by the HwaRang Do code of honor:
  1. Serve your lord with loyalty
  2. Serve your parents with filial piety
  3. Trust your friends
  4. Never retreat from a battle
  5. When taking life, be selective
The commandments of Taekwondo are used as a guide for the moral development of students and art. No student who does not fully understand these tenets can ever hope to master the true essence of the art.

Commandments of modern Taekwondo:

  1. Loyalty to your country
  2. Respect your parents
  3. Faithfulness to your spouse
  4. Respect your brothers and sisters
  5. Loyalty to your friends
  6. Respect your elders
  7. Respect your teacher
  8. Never take life unjustly
  9. Indomitable spirit
  10. Loyalty to your school
  11. Finish what you begin

The Tenets of Taekwondo

[courtesy] Courtesy (Ye Ui). To be thoughtful and considerate of others. Taekwondo practisers (both students and instructors) should be polite, and show consideration for others.
[integrity] Integrity (Yom Chi). Integrity describes how you should interact with others. To be honest and good, earn respect and trust.
[perseverance] Perseverance (In Nae). This basically stands for your internal drive. Challenges allow us to improve ourselves and should therefor not be avoided.
[self control] Self control (Guk Ki). To have control of your body and mind. A Taekwondo student should practice controlling his actions and reactions.
[indomitable spirit] Indomitable spirit (Baekjool Boolgool). To have courage in the face of adversity. A Taekwondo student should never be dominated by, or have his spirit broken by another.

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